current version 3.0.29.c

Make Your Skype™ Mobile
GSM gateway for Skype™



What is MobiGater?
How it works?
How to Get Started?
Step-by-Step Installation
Installing MobiGater software
Settings Wizard
Inserting the SIM card in the MobiGater device
Hardware installation
Hardware re-installation if USB port is changed
Starting MobiGater software for the first time
Configuration of the MobiGater software
- |General|
- |Connection|
- |Skype™ To Phone|
- |Phone To Skype™|
- |WEB Settings|
- |Remote Access|
How to set-up Skype™?
How to receive a call?
How to call a Skype™ user?
How to call a SkypeOut number?
Tips for Fast Dialing
Useful commands
Remote configuration
MobiGater Mobile
Technical Specifications
Software Requirements
Technical Recommendations
Technical Help

What is MobiGater?

MobiGater is a Skype™ to GSM and GSM to Skype™ gateway. This unique device connects your mobile phone to your home computer or notebook that runs Skype™. MobiGater enables you to make cheap calls to your Skype™ contacts as well as to cellular and fixed-line phones all over the world via your mobile phone. All of this is possible without the need to sit in front of your computer. It is also very easy for other people to reach you.


MobiGater combines all the specific advantages of mobile phones and Skype™ telephony. With our device you benefit from:
+ The mobility of a GSM user
+ The Free Skype™ and cheap SkypeIn/Out calls
+ All-round availability

How it works?

Main Features
- MobiGater is a device which transfers calls between your Skype™ account and your mobile phone. It comes with a software which has to be installed only on the computer running your Skype™. In order to use MobiGater you don't have to install any software on your mobile phone or change the way you use it. Therefore you can use a mobile phone from any model.

Transfer incoming Skype™ and SkypeIn calls to a single mobile phone number (MobiGater Plus and MobiGater Pro)
Make outgoing Skype™ calls from different mobile phone numbers (MobiGater Plus and MobiGater Pro)
Make SkypeOut calls to cellular phones and fixed lines from different mobile phone numbers (MobiGater Plus and MobiGater Pro)
Transfer incoming Skype™ calls to different mobile phones (Skype™ PBX Function) (MobiGater Pro)
Transfer incoming SkypeIn calls to different mobile phones (Skype™ PBX Function) (MobiGater Pro)

Extra Features
MobiGater Plus and Pro also have several additional features:
- Remote configuration through the web
If you are away from your computer or abroad, you can change the settings of your MobiGater Plus or Pro device through the Internet. For instance you can change the mobile phone number that will receive the incoming Skype™ calls.
- Switch a call from your PC audio device to your mobile phone during active Skype™ conversation
This feature is very useful when you need to leave your computer during active Skype™ conversation. With both MobiGater Plus and MobiGater Pro you can switch the call from your headset to your mobile phone and continue talking while moving.

How to Get Started?

To start using MobiGater, you need:
* One extra SIM card for the MobiGater device
We recommend choosing a calling plan which offers cheap calls between subscriptions on the same network. This can be either some business or family plan or some other group with low internal call rates. The cheaper the calls between these SIM cards - the bigger the benefit from using MobiGater.
* MobiGater software installation
The MobiGater software, included in the packing, has to be installed on your PC that runs Skype™. The installation is easy, with a very user-friendly interface. No additional software is required for your mobile phone.
* Configure MobiGater software
The minimum needed configuration is to define the mobile phone number(s) that can access your MobiGater device.


Step-by-step installation:

Imprtant: If you don't have Skype installed on your PC, download last version from and install it before continuing with MobiGater instalaltion!!!

Please, do not connect the MobiGater device to your PC prior to installing the MobiGater software!

Insert the CD in your PC's CD-ROM device.
(MobiGater software requires Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0, if you don't have it installed with the ordinary Windows updates, please press first open "WindowsUpdate" folder and run "dotnetfx_v2.exe".)

Open "MobiGaterSetup" folder and run "MobiGaterSkypeV3En.msi".

Installing MobiGater software

The Installation preparation appears.


Welcome installation screen.

Press [Next].

Option to select a different installation folder.

Press [Next].

Options to remove shortcuts.

Press [Next].

Installation confirmation.

Press [Next].

Wait for installation process.

Software installation complete.

Press [Close].

Settings Wizard

Select Wizzards language.

Press [Close].


Press [Next].

Enter MobiGater's SIM card PIN code.

Press [Next] or [Skip] if the MobiGater SIM card doesn't require a PIN code.

Enter your mobile phone's number. (International format, starting with +00...)

Press [Next]

Set forward after parameter.

Press [Next].

Choose which phone numbers can access MobiGater.

Press [Next].

Write phone number and press [Add].

Press [Next].

Phone number added.
Repeat the previous step for all phone numbers allowed accessing MobiGater device.

Press [Next].

Initial configuration complete.

Press [Finish].

Inserting the SIM card in the MobiGater device.

There is a small cover on the bottom side of the MobiGater device.
Move the "cover" in the direction from "" to "".
Move the "SIM card holder" in the direction "OPEN".
Insert the SIM card.
Close the SIM card holder in the direction "CLOSE".
Insert the "cover" back in its initial position.


Hardware installation. Connecting the MobiGater Device.

Connect the antenna to the MobiGater (3)

Connect the MobiGater (small USB slot (2)) using the USB cable to your PC's USB port (4).

Connect the power adapter to the MobiGater (1), then connect the power cable to the adapter and then plug the power cable into the power supply.

(This procedure is also applied if MobiGater device is plugged in different USB port. Hardware re-installation.)

If Windows asks you to search in Internet (Windows Update) for drivers, please select "* No, not this time".

Select "* Install the software automatically (Recommended)"

Press [Next].

Wait for MobiGater UART process installation.

If Windows Logo testing appears ...

Press [Continue Anyway].

MobiGater UART hardware installation finished.

Press [Finish].

Please, wait for the USB Audio Card hardware installation.

USB Audio Card hardware installation finished.

All hardware installations are completed!

Important: MobiGater sets automatically the Skype™ software to use MobiGater Sound Card (C-Media USB Headphone Set) in order to make the call transfer. If you want to make or receive calls when you are in front of the PC, please plug in your headphones and microphone directly into the MobiGater device.


Starting MobiGater software for the first time

Start your Skype™ and sign in using your username and password ("Online" mode).
Important: If your Skype™ was already started (during the MobiGater Installation), please stop and close your Skype™ from the system tray and then start it again so that Skype™ can detect the new installed hardware.
Run the MobiGater software from "[Start] button > Programs > Eurodesign > MobiGater" or from Desktop icon

MobiGater startup splash will appear.

The first time you start the MobiGater software, Skype™ will request from you to allow its access.

Select the top option "* Allow this program to use Skype™" and press [OK].

If your SIM card has a PIN code, the program will request it at the first startup.

Enter the PIN code and press [OK].

Important: MobiGater sets automatically the Skype™ software to use MobiGater's Sound Card (MobiGater Audio For Skype™) in order to make the call transfer. If you want to make or receive calls when you are in front of the PC, please plug in your headphones and microphone directly into the MobiGater device.

When a new USB Audio Device is plugged into PC, Windows automatically set is as a default Audio Device. (This is Windows procedure and can't be avoided.) In order to listen music on your computer speakers (PC's Audio Card), you need to set up your desired Sound Card from "Control Panel" > "Sound and Audio Devices" > "|Audio|" section.
The program will appear in the system tray (near the clock icon) with sign.

The program will appear in the system tray (near the clock icon) with sign.

After a couple of seconds, the icon will turn red.

Open the MobiGater program with a mouse click on the systray icon.

Setting up the program language

The start-up language of the MobiGater program is "English" by default.
To change it, please open the "Languages" tab (3rd menu) and choose one of the other available languages.


Main screen |Contacts| tab
Shows Skype™ contacts and Speed-Dials.

1. Network indicator - shows network signal strength
2. Transfer a call to a mobile - manually transfer a call to Mobile phone if the call is accepted via Skype™ program and you want to continue your conversation through your mobile phone or if |Skype™ to Phone| is disabled.
3. Skype™ status - shows and change Skype™ status.
4. Redirect after - shows and change "Redirect Afer" parameter from |Skype™ To Phone| settings.

On "Skype™ status" line also mesasage "waiting API" can be shown if Skype™ API access is requested from "Mobigater.exe" and "API refused" - if Skype™ API access is refused. To allow access open Skype™ program: Tools > Options... > Advanced > Advanced settings > Manage other programs' access to Skype™ > Mobigater.exe > [Change] > Allow this program to use Skype™.

Main screen |History| tab
Shows MobiGater's events history.

5. Load, Save and Clear History.


Configuration of the MobiGater software

Open |Tools| > Settings menu.

|General| submenu:

"Start On Windows Log On!" - MobiGater software will start up automatically when Windows logs on.
Recommended: checked

"Auto Update On!" - automatically updates the MobiGater software if a new version is available (once per day).
Recommended: checked (At the moment this option is not available.)

"Allow Hibernate, Stand By!" - this option removes the restriction of the MobiGater to keep Windows alive.
Recommended: not checked

"SIM Card PIN Code" - enter the SIM card PIN code. (if a SIM card PIN code request is enabled).
Recommended: enter the SIM card PIN code

"Add New contacts Automaticaly" - if a Skype™ user who is not in your Contacts calls you, MobiGater will automaticaly add him/her in Contacts.
Recommended: checked

"[Compact Contacts]" - gives Speed-Dials to all Contacts starting from 100. Speed-Dials set by Skype™ program (1 - 99) will be skipped.
At the first start of the MobiGater program, all Contacts will receive a Speed-Dial number (starting from 100). If you add a new contact, the program will assign automaticaly a new Speed-Dial number (last assigned)+1. If you delete a contact, its Speed-Dial number will not be used later. If you set a Speed-Dial to the Contact from the Skype™ program (1-99), this will override old Speed-Dial number.
Use this button only if you want to renumber your Contacts' Speed-Dials.


|Connection| submenu:

* AutoDetect Mobigater
Recommended: Use "AutoDetect MobiGater"

* Manual Device Detect
Please, use the "Manual Device Settings" option only if the MobiGater program has problem finding the MobiGater device (MobiGater icon in the System Tray is in gray color and shows "MobiGater Unplugged").
Select "Manual Device Settings".
Press [Refresh].
Set "Audio Device" on "C-Media USB Headphone Set".
Set "Serial Port" on COM port where "MobiGater UART" is connected.
Press [Connect].

"MobiGater UART"'s COM port can be found in "Control Panel" > System > |Hardware| > [Device Manager] > Ports (COM&LPT) > MobiGater UART (COM?). If there is no "MobiGater UART" check if MobiGater device is connected: POWER and USB leds are on. This may occur if you were connect MobiGater Device before CD instalaltion, in that situation you have see "Unknown Device" section in "Device Manager" (or "USB device" in "Ports (COM & LPT)" section in "Device Manager"), select uknown device with second mouse button and choose "Update Driver..." option to continue with
Hardware installation, If this still solve problem, please connect with Technical Help.

|Skype™ To Phone| submenu:

There are two modes: Personal and PBX
PBX Mode is available within the MobiGater Pro version only.

* Personal Mode

Incoming Skype™ calls will be forwarded via MobiGater's SIM card to the phone number.
This option is available in MobiGater Plus and Pro versions.

"Forward To" - the mobile phone number that will receive the incoming Skype™ calls.
Important: The phone number entered has to be in an international format. (Starting with "+...").
Recommended: enter your mobile phone number.

"Forward After" - forwards the incoming Skype™ calls after a given number of Skype™ rings.
(Recommended: Direct Forward)
In the Personal Mode, the Skype™ contact calling will be displayed on a Chat message:
Please hold the line. MobiGater is transferring your Skype™ call to the user's mobile phone free of charge.

"I Use MobiGaterM" - additional phone software that can be installed on your SmartPhone. (See
MobiGater Mobile section at the end of this manual.)

"Set Message" - can customize the initial chat message.

How it works:
When somebody calls the MobiGater's Skype™, he/she will receive a chat "Message" and MobiGater will forward (depending "Forward After") the call to a "Forward To" number.

* PBX Mode

Incoming call will be requested to choose whom to call. (Up to five positions.)
This option is available in MobiGater Pro version only.

"Name" - person name or department name, which will appear when a Skype™ contact calls your Skype™ account
"Phone" - mobile phone number that will receive the incoming Skype™ call.
Recommended: enter person's or department's names and their phone numbers.
"I Use MobiGaterM" - additional phone software that can be installed on your SmartPhone. (See MobiGater Mobile section at the end of this manual.)

"Set Message" - can customize the initial PBX message.

How it works:
In the PBX mode, the Skype™ contact calling
will be displayed on a Chat message containing
numbers from 1 to 5 and a corresponding name
or department assigned to each number.

The Skype™ user has to make his choice by
pressing the respective button from his Skype™
|Call Phones|'s keyboard.

"Disable" - disables forwarding of all incoming Skype™ calls to the user's mobile phone.

|Phone To Skype™| submenu:

Configure who can use MobiGater to make outgoing Skype™ and SkypeOut calls.

Incoming phone calls can be accepted by:
* "Receive calls from any phone" - Everyone who calls your MobiGater (SIM card number) can use the device.


* "Receive calls only from" - In this case you can:
[Add] - add phone number.
Important: The phone number entered has to be in an international format. (Starting with "+...").
[Edit] - select a phone number and change it.
[Delete] - select a phone number and and remove it.
Recommended: Choose "Receive calls only from", then add only your mobile phone number.

"Redirect only to" - additional option, which forwards the incoming GSM phone call to the MobiGater SIM card number (allowed by "Receive calls from any phone" or "Receive calls only from") to either a Skype™Name or a phone number (SkypeOut credit required).
Recommended: not checked, Skype™Name is not entered.
Attention: Do not enter your Skype™Name (the one that is running on your computer with the MobiGater)!

For example this option is useful to avoid roaming charges when you are abroad. Put your personal SIM card in the MobiGater device. Check this option and enter the international phone number of your foreign phone (mobile or landline) number. Everybody who calls your mobile phone number will be transfered via SkypeOut to your foreign number.You will only pay the SkypeOut rate for the foreign phone number.

|WEB Settings| submenu.

"Username" and "Password" for remote device configuration and "
MobiGater Mobile" support.
You need to have "Registration" on our website.

[Get Settings] - request Username configuration settings for "Skype™ To Phone" and "Phone To Skype™" sections from website. The configuration settings are stored on the website everytime the [Apply] or [OK] buttons are pressed.

"Using Proxy" is required only if your network request them.

"Disable" - disables WEB configuration and "MobiGater Mobile" support.

|Remote Access| submenu:

SMS Access Settings
This option allows you to make remote call from any mobile phone to a GSM number dialed from your MobiGater's SIM card.
For example it is useful when you are abroad and using local (foreign) SIM card to make cheap calls to your home country (where the mobigater is).

"SMS Access Password" - secret "password" that can be used for making a remote SMS call.

How it works:
Send a SMS from any phone to your MobiGater SIM card number with the following SMS format:

MobiGater's Skype™ will call-back via SkypeOut to the number which the SMS has already received. (SkypeOut credit required!)
After a connection is established, MobiGater's SIM will dial a "phone_number_GSM".


MobiGater will call via SkypeOut to "skypeout_phone_number". (SkypeOut credit required!)
After a connection is established, MobiGater's SIM will dial "phone_number_GSM".


MobiGater will call via Skype™ to "skype_name" user.
After a connection is established, MobiGater's SIM will dial "phone_number_GSM".

The ; is used as a separator and it is required parameter!
The "phone_number_GSM" has to be only in digits ("+" also can be used for international call).
The "skypeout_phone_number" has to be in the international format (for example +9876543210).
You need to have at least 3 free positions for SMSes in your SIM card!

"Disable" - disables the Remote SMS Calling

Skype™ Access Settings
This option alows you to make a remote call from any Skype™ to a GSM number dialed from your MobiGater's SIM card.

"Skype™ Access Reserved Word" - "reserved word" that can be used for making a remote Skype™ call.
"Skype™ Access PIN" - secret "PIN" that confirms remote Skype™ calling.

How it works:
Sent a Skype™ chat message from any Skype™ account to a Skype™ account where MobiGater is connected with the following message format:


When you send this message, MobiGater's
Skype™ will call-back to your Skype™ (where
the message was sent) and you have to open
Skype™'s |Call Phones| tab and enter a
"Skype™ Access PIN".
After PIN confirmation, MobiGater's SIM
will dial "NNNNNNNNNNNN".

NNNNNNNNNNNN - phone number which will be dialed from MobiGater SIM card. It has to be only in digits ("+" also can be used for an international call).
"reserved_word" is good to be a non common word like "call", "hello".
"PIN" have to be only from digits 0 to 9.

"Disable" - disables the Remote SMS Calling


When first starting the MobiGater program, all Contacts will receive a Speed-Dial number (starting from 100). If you add a new contact, the program will assign automaticaly a new Speed-Dial number (last assigned)+1. If you delete a contact, its Speed-Dial number will not be used later.Setting a Speed-Dial to a Contact from the Skype™ program (1-99),will overwrite the old Speed-Dial number.

How to set-up Skype™?

Set Speed-Dial on your contacts. Right-click
with the mouse on a Skype™ contact and select
"Set Speed-Dial" from the menu.
Speed-Dials have to be between 1 and 99.

How to receive a call?

If somebody calls on your Skype™, you will receive
the call as an incoming mobile phone call so you
just have to answer it as a normal one.
For the incoming calls, you will only a pay a rate
between the "MobiGater's SIM" and "your
mobile phone's SIM" card.

How to call a Skype™ user?

Dial your MobiGater SIM card number.
Wait until a connection is established.
Dial * for a beginning.
Dial a desired Speed-Dial from 1 to 99.
Dial # for end of dialing.

When calling Skype™ users, you pay only a rate
between "your mobile phone's SIM" and "your
MobiGater's SIM" card.

How to call a SkypeOut number?

> Dial your MobiGater SIM card number.
Wait until a connection is established.
Dial * for a beginning.
Dial a full international format number starting
with 00...
Dial # for end of dialing.
When calling a landline or mobile phone number using SkypeOut, you only pay a rate between "your mobile phone's SIM" and "MobiGater's SIM" card plus the rate SkypeOut per minute to the desired destination. The complete SkypeOut rates are available on


Tips for Fast Dialing

0551234567 is your MobiGater SIM card number
89 is a Speed-Dial
0012345678901 is an international format phone number "p" is "pause", it can be entered on:
Nokia: by pressing the "*" key three times
SonyEricsson, Samsung, Motorola: by holding the "*" key
Panasonic: by holding the "0" key
Siemens: by pressing the "0" key twice (it uses "+" instead of "p")

Useful commands

The Commands can be sent while having an active call with the MobiGater's SIM card.

VoiceMail control:
This MobiGater's voicemail and it is not connected with Skype™'s voicemail. *011# - Go to the previous VoiceMail (if any)
*012# - Play current VoiceMail
*013# - Go to next VoiceMail (if any)
*015# - Delete current VoiceMail

Change Skype™ status:
*040# - Change Skype™ status to "Offline"
*041# - Change Skype™ status to "Online"
*042# - Change Skype™ status to "Skype™ Me"
*043# - Change Skype™ status to "Away"
*044# - Change Skype™ status to "Not Available"
*045# - Change Skype™ status to "Invisible"
*046# - Change Skype™ status to "Do Not Disturb"

MobiGater Mobile options:
*05# - Update Contacts' Speed-Dials on the server.
*06# - Open convesation if "I Use MobiGaterM" parameter is already set but the progmam is not yet started on your smartphone.
*060# - Disable "I Use MobiGaterM" parameter.
*061# - Enable "I Use MobiGaterM" parameter.

Resent calls:
*071# - Call the last missed call from Skype™ user. (10 store positions)
*072# - Call the last received call Skype™ user. (10 store positions)
*073# - Call the last dialed Skype™ user. (10 store positions)

During an active Skype™ call, when you don't have any user on you contact list, you can store his username and call him later.
*08x# - Store FlushDial (x is from 0 to 9).
*09x# - Call the stored FlashDial (x is from 0 to 9)


Registration is required if you want to use the WEB configuration options or "
MobiGater Mobile" software. Registeration can be done on our website REGISTRATION section.

You need to enter:
* IMEI - the number written on the bootom side of the device near the SIM card. (This is not your mobile phone IMEI !!!)
* User name - desired username for registration. (english latin letters and digits only, no special signs, spaces, etc.)
* E-mail - e-mail address to confirm registration (must be a valid e-mail address).
* Confirm E-mail - same e-mail address as previous .
* Password - desired password. (english latin letters and digits only, no special signs, spaces, etc.)
* Confirm Password - same password as previous.

After sending the registration you have to confirm it from your e-mail so to be able to use MobiGater Mobile software or able to configure your device remotely via internet.

Remote configuration via internet

Remote configuration is a paid option.
MobiGater Pro users have 6 mounts subscriopion included.
Go to our website and enter your usrname and password:

Web |Skype™ To Phone| settings. (same as program's |Skype™ To Phone|)

Web |Phone To Skype™| settings. (same as program's |Phone To Skype™|)

Web |My Account| settings.

Web |Profile| settings.


MobiGater Mobile

MobiGater Mobile is a software for SmartPhones, which gives an opportunity to:
* see your Contact List on your mobile phone and dial an user from it.
* see "who is calling" for incoming Skype™ calls.
* automaticaly catch and dial international call via SkypeOut

At the moment it is available for

- Symbian S60 2nd edition SmartPhones (some models only)
MobiGaterMobile for Symbian S60 2nd edition.
Configure MobiGater Mobile for Symbian S60 2nd edition

- Windows Mobile 5 and 6 SmartPhones: (some models only)
!!! BETA VERSION !!! Downlaod beta MobiGaterMobile for Windows Mobile 5 and 6.
Device compatibility list: not available, some devices may have restrictions.
Configure MobiGater Mobile for Windows Mobile 5 and 6

Configure MobiGater Mobile for Symbian S60 2nd edition
Send downlaoded sis file to your phone and install it.
("MobiGater" red icon appears in "Main menu" or in "Appications menu" depanding of phone model.)
Menu > Account Details

"Username" and "Password" are these from
"On-line Status" - to change Skype™ status.

Menu > Settings

"Disconnect" - disconnect GPRS after the contacts or statuses are already updated.
"Server Address" - MobiGater server IP adress for contacts and statuses. Recomended:
"Server Port" - MobiGater server port number for contacts and statuses. Recomended: 6625
"Home Code" - phone number prefix of your home country (where MobiGater is).
"International Calls" - "Redirect" - if you start calling a number (manual or from your phone address book) which starts with "00HomeCode..." or "+HomeCode" MobiGater Mobile will get it and will make the call via MobiGater > SkypeOut (SkypeOut credit is required for this option).

Select GPRS access point (Top menu: 4th section)
GPRS access point of your operator for internet access.

Add MobiGater SIM's phone number (Top menu: 5th section)

Phone number(s) of your MobiGater's SIM card(s) (if they are more than one.)
Recommended: Put you MobiGater's SIM card number on "both directions" icon.

Update contacts list

Make a call from Contacts

Receive a call

Refresh Skype™ statuses

Configure MobiGater Mobile for Windows Mobile 5 and 6
This is beta version of MobiGaterM for Windows Mobile 5 and 6.
- Downloading Skype contacts.
- Dialing a contact or a phone number.
- Incomming call contact is NOT shown in this beta version.

Start Microsoft ActiveSync on your PC.
Connect WM5 or WM6 device to the PC.
Start MobigaterM.beta.msi
Installation starts from PC and continue on the Device.

Menu > Server Settings

"Username" and "Password" are these from
"Server Address" - MobiGater server IP adress for contacts and statuses. Recomended:
"Server Port" - MobiGater server port number for contacts and statuses. Recomended: 6625
"Status" - to change Skype™ status.

Add MobiGater SIM's phone number (Top menu: 5th section)

Phone number(s) of your MobiGater's SIM card(s) (if they are more than one.)
Recommended: Put you MobiGater's SIM card number and "Two way" - outgoing call and incomming call

Update contacts list

Make a call from Contacts (Top menu: 1th section)

Receive a call
(Do not work for incomming calls in this beta version!)

Contacts sort method


Technical Specifications

GSM Network Type: GSM Phase 2/2+
GSM Module: 900/1800/1900Mhz Compatibility
SIM Card: plug-in; 1.8V or 3V
Dialing format: DTMF
Temperature Range: 0-45°C 32-113°F
Consumption: Stand-By: 350mW; In Call: 2W
Maximum Relative Humidity: 95%
Dimensions: (W x D x H): 190 x 135 x 40mm

Connectors: USB cable between PC and MobiGater
USB Host Ports x2 (optional)
PWR Supply: DC PWR jack
Antenna: SMA Female
3.5mm Stereo Jack x2 (Line Out, Microphone)

Software Requirements

Processor 800MHz or faster
RAM 256 MB or more Microsoft Windows XP or 2003 (32bit)
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0
Skype™ version 3.x.x.x or later ( is minimum but not all funcitions will work)

Technical Recommendations

* We recommend the use of the long antenna (the one with the cable) to assure a better coverage of the MobiGater.
- place the antenna as far as possible from the MobiGater.
- make sure that there are no tv/audio receivers and monitors near the antenna Otherwise a signal disturbance can appear.
* We recommend that PC's and MobiGater's power supplies are in the same power network (same wall-plug) to prevent damages of the device.
* Don't pull out/insert the SIM card during the operation of the device.
* Don't plug the MobiGater power supply before inserting the SIM card and connecting the USB cable to the computer.
* Don't disconnect or switch off the MobiGater device during an active call
* When a new USB Audio Device is plugged into the PC, Windows automatically sets it as a default Audio Device. (This is a Windows procedure and can't be avoided.) In order to listen to music on your computer speakers, you need to set up your desired Sound Card from the "Control Panel" > "Sound and Audio Devices" > "|Audio|" section.
* MobiGater software uses a MobiGater's Sound Card (C-Media USB Headphone Set) in order to make a call transfer. If you want to place a call or receive a call in front of your PC, please plug your Headphones and Microphone directly intothe MobiGater device.
* Skype™ can be set to use only one Sound Card. If you have another USB Audio Card device (for example USB Phone or USB Headsets) you can not use it at the same time with MobiGater.
* The two extra USB ports can be used to connect a desired USB 1.1 devices.
* If your PC is turned off or is in a standby mode, the MobiGater device will not transfer the call (active internet connection is required).
* The MobiGater device works ONLY with GSM networks operating under 900, 1800 or 1900 MHz band. Please, check if your Mobile Phone Operator supports this bands.
* The MobiGater does not work with the CDMA network.
* If a Skype™ user calls while a MobiGater conversation is under the way, the line will ring busy and it won't be able to establish a connection.
* Keep in mind that if you travel abroad and make/receive a call to/from your MobiGater, you will be charged extra for roaming by your Mobile Phone Operator.
* MobiGater and Skype™ require a connection speed of 24kbps - 128kbps

Technical Help

If you need technical help contact us:
Skype™: MobiGater
Software functions and manual are subjects to changed without notice!
V3 installation MobiGaterM Symbian S60 2nd edition MobiGaterM Windows Mobile 5 & 6